Storytelling on LinkedIn (Virtual)

April 4, 2024 |
 1:30 pm –
 2:30 pm

If you’ve ever felt like a small fish in your community’s big philanthropic pond – this session is for you.

Tania Bhattacharyya was once in your shoes. Her nonprofit organization made transformative change happen. But many of the movers and shakers in her community had no idea.

Then she discovered this storytelling secret and used it to find new donors, get attention from the local media and get referrals (for new clients, volunteers, even board members!).

In this session, Tania will share her storytelling tactics for using LinkedIn to create a bridge between your mission and the community you serve.

You do such important work. And after this session, you’ll know exactly how to leverage the power of LinkedIn’s platform – so your community notices.

Session Takeaways:

  1. WHY LinkedIn for nonprofits?
  2. How to infuse storytelling into your LinkedIn profile.
  3. Content ideas that convert strangers into friends into fans.
  4. Ways to find new collaborators to hear your stories on LinkedIn.


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